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AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Garantia total de qualidade para aplicações de embalagens de banda larga
Inspecione visualmente os materiais impressos e detecte defeitos.

100% Quality Assurance for Wide Web Packaging Applications

AVT Apollo Turbo HD detects print defects like color variations, streaks, misprints, low contrast, mis-registration, spots, and splashes. It visually pinpoints defect locations and types, recording data in roll reports. A color-coded light tower offers resolution from 8K to 16K for any web width.

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Photo of monitor displaying Print Inspection software

Production Workflow Support at Every Stage

On Press

Automatic early defect detection during the printing process.

Photo of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Doctor Machine

Trace and remove defective areas before the costly lamination process.

Photo of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Lamination Machine

Trace and mark lamination defects for removal during slitting.

Photo of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Slitter / Rewinder

Ensure that only fault-free material is delivered to your customers.

Photo labels on roller

How AVT Apollo Turbo HD Works

AVT Apollo Turbo HD offers quality assurance for any press and can integrate with rewinder or finishing equipment for a combined Automatic Inspection Station. It reduces production time, automates processes, and minimizes waste, enhancing process control and quality assurance throughout printing.

Packaging printing press

Benefits of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Photo of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Boost Productivity

Ensure consistent print quality on every job, significantly increasing overall press productivity.

Unmatched Print Quality

Deliver 100% quality assurance with full support of all web presses, substrates, and applications.

Compatible with any Application and Substrate

Supports all web press substrates, including transparent, flexible, foils, paper, and cartons.

Imagine a Fully Automated Print Inspection Process

Regions of Interest (ROI)

Adjust sensitivities for precise detection where needed and to reduce them in less critical areas.

“Step and Repeat” Setup

Required setups can be done on one package and automatically set to “step and repeat” on all others.

Illumination Control

Separate control of illumination sources (diffusive, reflective, backlight) for best image quality.

Good Material Count

Built-in, on-line monitoring guarantees enough good material before the next job change.

Quick Set

Fast, automatic “zero set-up” time for repeating jobs.

Inspection Profiles

Fast, easy generation for seamless set-up and improved control of quality standards.

Optional Add-On Modules

Photo of workstation of AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Verification Tools

Job Verification Tools.

AVT’s toolset includes a PDF comparator for every new job versus original PDF digital file or saved master image in case of re-runs.

Get Started with AVT Apollo Turbo HD

Explore Esko print inspection solutions for cutting-edge process control, quality assurance, and print management for packaging, labels, and commercial print production.

Smiling woman