We were wasting a lot of designers’ time and losing our ability to increase our workload so we pitched to invest in ArtiosCAD Enterprise seeing the connectivity it could bring to our sites and we don’t regret the move.
The Challenge
With a diverse customer base and a wide range of manufacturing capabilities, SMC has proven a popular choice for customers in recent years, resulting in the company growing rapidly across its four sites.
With growth and expansion comes complexity. The ability to manage the number and frequency of jobs, as well as the increasing sophistication of designs, was becoming problematic for work that needed to be handled across the company’s locations.
Jeff Hole, Senior Designer at SMC, comments: “Taking a site-based siloed approach to job management wasn’t working anymore. Each site had its own filing system for work, so we were digging around when a client wanted to repeat or adjust a job we’d previously completed. We were then having to transfer designs between sites, which ultimately was taking up too much time and administration.
“We needed a fix. We were just so busy and couldn’t actually take the time we needed anymore to focus on our creativity and quality, which is embedded in our ethos here at SMC. Something had to change and that change came in the form of learning about ArtiosCAD Enterprise.”