Remove Complexity & Reduce Manual Steps
Streamline your flexo platemaking process with the combination of the CDI Crystal flexo imager with the XPS Crystal exposing unit. The CDI Crystal XPS excels in efficiency and offers distinct benefits.

Find the Right Flexo Imager for You
Take this quiz to find the flexo imager that perfectly matches your company’s needs.
Increased Automation with the PlateHandler
The PlateHandler is a robot connecting the CDI Crystal with the XPS Crystal. Integrating the flexo platemaking equipment reduces the number of operator touchpoints, freeing up to 50% of their time to focus on more valuable tasks (e.g., quality control, plate storage or plate mounting).

Boost Efficiency with PlateFeeder-S
PlateFeeder-S streamlines plate transport, reduces distortion, and boosts flexo plate production efficiency. Its integrated sensors ensure accurate plate loading, eliminating static charge issues. It seamlessly integrates with the CDI’s touch screen, reducing idle time and enhancing productivity.
Remove Complexity Through Automation